Singleflight in Go: Optimize Concurrent Requests

Optimizing Concurrent Data Fetching in Go with singleflight In high-throughput applications, efficiency isn’t just a nicety—it’s a necessity. When multiple requests for the same resource flood in simultaneously, handling them efficiently can make or break your system’s performance. This is a challenge I’ve encountered numerous times, and one elegant solution in Go is the singleflight package. Let’s dive into how singleflight can optimize concurrent data fetching, using the example of fetching currency exchange rates in a financial application. ...

November 13, 2024 · 10 min · Aleksandar Nesovic

Container-Optimized OS on GCP

Container-Optimized OS: A Pragmatic Approach to Running Containers on Google Cloud As cloud computing continues to evolve, so does the need for efficient, secure, and scalable ways to run containerized applications. In this essay, we’ll delve into what makes COS stand out, its security advantages—particularly root filesystem immutability, seamless updates, and how it can be smartly utilized with regional managed instances for scaling. We’ll also explore the role of startup scripts and other practical considerations for engineering teams. ...

November 5, 2024 · 12 min · Aleksandar Nesovic

Overcoming Scalability Challenges in a Modular-Monolith

Building a Health-Data Platform I have had the opportunity to work on several complex and challenging projects. One such project was a health-data platform designed as a modular monolith with a plethora of complex requirements to fulfill. As a health-data platform, ensuring the security and compliance of our users’ sensitive information was paramount. To that end, we made it a priority to align with both HIPAA and SOC-2 standards. Compliance and Security Measures for a Health-Data Platform SOC-2 Compliance For SOC-2 compliance, we implemented various strict controls to guarantee the safety of our user’s data. This included implementing multi-factor authentication, such as FIDO tokens, for added security. We also conducted regular security assessments and backups to ensure that any data would be protected in the event of a security breach. Additionally, we employed SOC-2-compliant cloud providers to host and store sensitive data. Furthermore, a robust Governance, Risk management, and Compliance (GRC) program were established and regularly reviewed to ensure compliance with SOC-2 standards. ...

January 26, 2023 · 7 min · Aleksandar Nesovic

The Unmanageable Monster

The Challenge of Managing Complexity in the Software Industry The software industry has undergone a continuous process of development for many years. Companies have always sought ways to create software more efficiently and cost-effectively, and developers have responded by developing more expressive programming languages and utilizing open-source software. However, as businesses have grown in complexity, so too has the software required to support them, leaving engineers with the task of managing this complexity while still providing efficient and effective software. ...

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · Aleksandar Nesovic