Singleflight in Go: Optimize Concurrent Requests

Optimizing Concurrent Data Fetching in Go with singleflight In high-throughput applications, efficiency isn’t just a nicety—it’s a necessity. When multiple requests for the same resource flood in simultaneously, handling them efficiently can make or break your system’s performance. This is a challenge I’ve encountered numerous times, and one elegant solution in Go is the singleflight package. Let’s dive into how singleflight can optimize concurrent data fetching, using the example of fetching currency exchange rates in a financial application. ...

November 13, 2024 · 10 min · Aleksandar Nesovic

Modular Monoliths - Boilerplate

From Theory to Practice It is recommended that readers familiarize themselves with the principles outlined in the article Modular Monoliths - Simplified before delving into the practical example provided in this follow-up piece. This article will explore a specific implementation of a modular monolith architecture, utilizing a clear separation of handlers, services, and repository layers. The accompanying GitHub Repository serves as a reference and starting point, providing a boilerplate structure that can be easily adapted to suit the specific needs of your project. ...

January 25, 2023 · 5 min · Aleksandar Nesovic