A. Nesovic 🚀 Synthesizing Singularity

I am a writer passionate about technology, health, and philosophy. My software engineering background informs my perspective on how technology can enhance lives. Creating elegant, informative, and thought-provoking content is my goal.

Overcoming Scalability Challenges in a Modular-Monolith

Building a Health-Data Platform I have had the opportunity to work on several complex and challenging projects. One such project was a health-data platform designed as a modular monolith with a plethora of complex requirements to fulfill. As a health-data platform, ensuring the security and compliance of our users’ sensitive information was paramount. To that end, we made it a priority to align with both HIPAA and SOC-2 standards. Compliance and Security Measures for a Health-Data Platform SOC-2 Compliance For SOC-2 compliance, we implemented various strict controls to guarantee the safety of our user’s data....

January 26, 2023 Â· 7 min Â· Aleksandar Nesovic

Modular Monoliths - Boilerplate

From Theory to Practice It is recommended that readers familiarize themselves with the principles outlined in the article Modular Monoliths - Simplified before delving into the practical example provided in this follow-up piece. This article will explore a specific implementation of a modular monolith architecture, utilizing a clear separation of handlers, services, and repository layers. The accompanying GitHub Repository serves as a reference and starting point, providing a boilerplate structure that can be easily adapted to suit the specific needs of your project....

January 25, 2023 Â· 4 min Â· Aleksandar Nesovic

Modular Monoliths - Simplified

How to Achieve More with Less Complexity What is a Modular Monolith Architecture? Modular Monoliths present a unique approach to software architecture, balancing the robustness of monolithic systems with the scalability of microservices. As a result, it allows for increased scalability and maintainability while avoiding the complexity and overhead commonly associated with microservices. In this essay, we will explore the advantages of utilizing a modular monolith architecture in Go and provide guidance on implementing it in your projects....

January 23, 2023 Â· 6 min Â· Aleksandar Nesovic

The Unmanageable Monster

The Challenge of Managing Complexity in the Software Industry The software industry has undergone a continuous process of development for many years. Companies have always sought ways to create software more efficiently and cost-effectively, and developers have responded by developing more expressive programming languages and utilizing open-source software. However, as businesses have grown in complexity, so too has the software required to support them, leaving engineers with the task of managing this complexity while still providing efficient and effective software....

January 21, 2023 Â· 5 min Â· Aleksandar Nesovic